Experimenting in the Darkroom

Meer informatie over de optie: 4 lessen vanaf DONDERDAG  23-05-2024

Cursuscode: F0323E
Docent: Barry van Weldam
Aantal lessen: 4
Lesdag: donderdag
Tijd:19:00 - 22:00
Prijs: € 125,00 incl. BTW
Periode: 23-05-2024 t/m 13-06-2024

Meer informatie over de optie: 6 lessen vanaf DONDERDAG  10-10-2024

Cursuscode: F0624A
Docent: Barry van Weldam
Aantal lessen: 6
Lesdag: donderdag
Tijd:19:00 - 22:00
Prijs: € 191,25 incl. BTW
Periode: 10-10-2024 t/m 21-11-2024

Meer informatie over de optie: 6 lessen vanaf DONDERDAG  27-02-2025

Cursuscode: F0624B
Docent: Barry van Weldam
Aantal lessen: 6
Lesdag: donderdag
Tijd:19:00 - 22:00
Prijs: € 191,25 incl. BTW
Periode: 27-02-2025 t/m 03-04-2025

Meer informatie over de optie: 6 lessen vanaf DONDERDAG  15-05-2025

Cursuscode: F0624C
Docent: Barry van Weldam
Aantal lessen: 6
Lesdag: donderdag
Tijd:19:00 - 22:00
Prijs: € 191,25 incl. BTW
Periode: 15-05-2025 t/m 03-07-2025

Embrace the process

This 6-session workshop focuses on experimentation in the darkroom. We will look at what happens in the darkroom when we go off the beaten path and let the different techniques we’ll use, with chemistry and light, surprise us.

This is not a course in which you’ll learn to print a photograph in a traditional way. Each class begins with an explanation of a particular technique and with looking at work by well-known photographers who have experimented with these techniques. Of course, we will also look at each other’s work.

IMPORTANT For this course, you will need photographic light-sensitive paper designed for use in a darkroom. It doesn’t have to be new; in fact, old or expired light-sensitive paper is even better. We embrace the process, including the happy accidents that come with it.

Please note: This class is taught in Dutch, but the instructor will translate into English if it’s requested.

What do you need for the course Experimenting in the Darkroom?

Light-sensitive paper (photo paper that is past its expiration date can still work as well). A cell phone with stored photos. Curiosity and a desire to experiment are also important.

Course structure

Session 1 Photograms
Experiment with shapes and density to create surprising and interesting visuals.

Session 2 Chemigrams
We will work with darkroom chemistry in nontradional ways and let the effects surprise us.

Session 3 Mobigrams
Make analog prints with a cell phone and/or digital camera. Pictures taken with a digital camera will be used in an analog process to print an image.

Session 4 Other alternative techniques, like Phytograms
This session concentrates on even more alternative techniques.

Session 5 and 6 Combination of the techniques
This session applies and combines the techniques learned in the previous sessions.


Mauritskade 24, Amsterdam