Drawing and Painting Techniques

Meer informatie over de optie: WOENSDAG: 19:00 - 22:00

Cursuscode: S2224
Docent: Carlyn Westerink
Aantal lessen: 8 / blok
Prijs vanaf: € 255,00 incl. BTW
Materiaalkosten: € 24 / blok
Startdata: 04-09-2024, 06-11-2024, 15-01-2025, 19-03-2025, 21-05-2025,

If you’d like to learn techniques for drawing and painting, this is a good course to consider. Working with such subjects as landscape, portrait, still life, animals, and architecture, students will explore a variety of art materials and ways to use them. Charcoal, crayons, ink, acrylic paint, and cut-outs for collage, to name a few, will be used in exciting new ways, including through mixing multiple materials and techniques (mixed media).

Please note: This class is taught in English. You can also take this class in Dutch.

What You Will Learn

In this class we will concentrate on key aspects of working two-dimensionally, specifically through form, lines, color, contrast, tonality, and composition. Techniques are tailored to material and subject, and in addition to focusing on each individual art practice, students will also collectively study the work of each other. The examining and discussing of famous visual artists, and their distinct approaches and styles, is an important part of this course as well, essential to broadening our understanding of our own art-making practice.

Is this course for you?

This course is for everyone who wants to experiment and get acquainted with the use of a variety of materials and techniques. No specific artistic skills or previous experience in art-making is required for enrollment. What will be helpful is a basic curiosity and desire to learn something new, and to be open to a sense of wonder.

What do you need for this course?

In this course we will work either standing behind an easel or seated at a table, depending on the technique being used, both of which are available at MK24 at no charge. However, an additional twenty euros may be charged for the use of certain materials.