Painting with oil paints

Meer informatie over de optie: DINSDAG: 09:30 - 12:30

Cursuscode: S0824
Docent: Wilma Caris
Aantal lessen: 8 / blok
Prijs vanaf: € 255,00 incl. BTW
Materiaalkosten: € 24 / blok
Startdata: 03-09-2024, 05-11-2024, 14-01-2025, 18-03-2025, 20-05-2025,

Meer informatie over de optie: DINSDAG: 19:00 - 22:00

Cursuscode: S1424
Docent: Fons van Laar
Aantal lessen: 8 / blok
Prijs vanaf: € 255,00 incl. BTW
Materiaalkosten: € 24 / blok
Startdata: 03-09-2024, 05-11-2024, 14-01-2025, 18-03-2025, 20-05-2025,

Oil painting is an ancient technique, but still full of life and rich in possibilities. Step by step, you will be guided in making this technique your own.  Lots of attention will be given to the various possibilities, such as glazing, wet in wet, thick over thin, alla prima, impasto and working with a palette knife. Dependent on the assignment, you will work on a painting once or multiple times.

Please note: This class is taught in Dutch, but the instructor will translate into English if it’s requested.

Additional info

Materials are included in the price, with the exception of paper/background material. Lessons are weekly.