Prints & Patterns

Meer informatie over de optie: 16 lessen vanaf DONDERDAG  15-02-2024

Cursuscode: M0823V
Docent: Geeske Voorhees
Aantal lessen: 16
Lesdag: donderdag
Tijd:18:00 - 21:00
Prijs: € 720,00 incl. BTW
Materiaalkosten: € 35 / blok
Periode: 15-02-2024 t/m 13-06-2024
Inschrijven kan niet meer.

Patterns are common in nature, mathematics, abstract ideas, and art and design. An enormous variety can be observed in complexity and colors, with one apparent characteristic: repetition.

In this 16-week course you will dive in the world and possibilities of patterns. You will conceptualize and produce your own pattern which you will silkscreenprint in our studio on textile or paper.

Please note: This class is taught in Dutch, but the instructor will translate into English if it’s requested.

What will you learn?

The course starts with an inventarisation of the patterns around you, capturing them with a camera of cellphone a good starting pont for your own pattern inspiration library.

You will learn about patterns, prints and its different uses. Excercises will help you to start designing your own pattern. You will devise a concept and develop it an analogue and/or digital design.

Towards the end you will learn how to transfer your design to an silkscreen and print it on tectile or paper. Silkscreenprinting allows you to experiment with colour, material and layers.

Who is Prints & patterns for?

Everyone wanting to learn how to make a pattern both analogue and digital will benefit from this course. You will be able to work at your own pace and level and will be coached to devise a strong concept developing it into a fascinating pattern producing an unique silkscreen print.

What do you need for Prints & patterns?

A camera or a cellphone to make pictures.

If you want to work digitally as well you will need a computer with Adobe Photoshop and/or Illustrator, preferably a laptop so you can bring it to class. If you do not have a laptop to bring you can borrow a Macbook from MK24 during class.
It is also possible to work analogue, with your hands only!


The course Prints & patronen consists of 16 lessons 2,5 hours each, including a small break.

The preliminary schedule is:

1 – 2Introduction, experiment / photosafari
3 – 6Analogue experiments and Photoshop
7Introduction to silkscreenprinting and colour
8 – 11Analogue experiments and Illustrator
12Developing a final pattern for printing
13Make a silkscreen film
14 – 16Silkscreen printing